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Our Sports and Recreation Facilities

The Municipality has infrastructure concentrated at Antoine-Labelle Park, where the Recreation Centre is located at 2555 Parc Street.

Summer Activities Available:

  • 1 baseball and softball field
  • 1 soccer field
  • 1 tennis court
  • 2 petanque courts
  • 1 basketball court
  • 1 pickleball court
  • 1 hopscotch game
  • 1 caterpillar and bees game
  • 2 pearballs
  • 2 dek hockey rinks
  • Play structures for children

During winter, the Centre offers:

The two dek hockey surfaces are converted into ice rinks for hockey and free skating.

In honour of Curé Labelle on September 8, 2013, the Municipality of Franklin inaugurated Antoine-Labelle Park in tribute to the first parish priest of Saint-Antoine-Abbé.

Recreation Centre:

The Recreation Centre is located at 2555 Parc Street, where an indoor room can be rented for family gatherings. Indoor activities are also available.

For any questions, please contact Recreation Services at 450-827-2538.

Liste des installations

Facility Rentals



