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Urban Planning Advisory Committee

The Urban Planning Advisory Committee (UPAC) is a committee mandated by the municipal council to guide, direct, and support its urban planning initiatives. The recommendations and advice provided by the UPAC enable the council to benefit from the input of elected officials and citizens, who contribute their life experience in the municipality and specific concerns regarding land use planning. Establishing UPAC thus aims to bring citizens closer to urban planning issues.

The UPAC members make recommendations to the council regarding:

  • Site planning and architectural integration plans;
  • Minor variances;
  • Conditional uses;
  • Special projects for construction, modification, or occupancy of a building.

The committee currently consists of six members selected from Franklin residents:

  • Peter Ednie (Chair)
  • Hélène Rayle (Vice-Chair)
  • Fred Stevenson
  • Glenn Forget
  • Francine Bourdeau
  • Daniel Thibault

Additionally, Mr. Nathaniel Saint-Pierre, Mr. Mark Blair, and Mr. Éric Payette serve as committee members ex officio, representing municipal councillors. Committee members and officers are appointed by municipal council resolution. The council may also appoint additional individuals to the committee as needed to fulfill its functions.

It should be noted that the UPAC operates under the provisions of the Law (A-19.1, Chapter 5) on land use planning and development, which allows the council, through regulation, to:

  • Establish an urban planning advisory committee composed of at least one council member and a determined number of members selected from residents of the municipality;
  • Delegate powers for the study and recommendation on urban planning, zoning, subdivision, and construction matters;
  • Specify that the term of office for members is up to two years, renewable.

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